Imperial College Boathouse
The Imperial College Boathouse along Putney Embankment has been home to the college boatclub since 1938. The refurbishment completed in 1999 at a cost of £2.5 million provided an extended gym, physiotherapy room, and space to house 80 boats. The funding of the project included money from Sport England Lottery plus the St Mary's Trust and the Boathouse Appeal.

While it is primarily a base for student rowing at Imperial College it also provides a home for our alumni club Queen's Tower Boat Club, and is utilised by many local schools and the community.

As a high perfomance centre for heavyweight mens rowing we are proud to provide facilites for the Great Britain mens 8 rowing team. This proving to be a succesfull parternship with their victory at thre recent Sydney Olympics. The facility also has many womens GB squad rowers training at the facility, although students are prioritised in terms of the use of the gym and equipment.

Opened on 21st October 1938 by Lord Desborough
"May all those who use this boathouse in it find such happiness and make such friendships as may endure throughout their lives"

Plaque in the Club Room at Imperial College Boathouse
Nick Ablitt, Imperial College, London.